Ready to send in your sourdough starter? Excellent - it couldn't be easier! You have two options here though... the short trip (1-2 days max in the post) or... any time longer than that. Make your choice below...
Short Trip
Longer Trip
For a short trip, just take 10g (roughly 1/2 a tablespoon) of your ripe (fully risen) starter and then add 10g of water and 10g fresh flour, then just mix it together to pack it a tasty meal for the trip!
Next, pop your zip-lock bag from above into an envelope and send it to:
This year's Showdown is already complete!
This year's Showdown is already complete!

Then just sit back and relax as your sourdough will be profiled in a temperature-controlled environment with an AI helper tracking it through its rise! You'll receive notification when it's going to be profiled, and will receive a full report with a video on how it performed.
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